The waves said, "I don’t think that Zhuang Yuan is a strong man. If he doesn’t have something to do, Tan Zhongyi will never let him be the deputy hall master."

Sister Li smiled and said, "The secret is at this moment. Do you know what Lan Zong and Zhuang Yuan wish?"
The waves really don’t know what to say, "I don’t know what to say."
Li Jie forced the waves to stir up a few times before it slowed down. "Zhuang Ruyi is also the blue general brother-in-law Tan Zhongyi and Lan always have a brother-in-law. Both of them are Zhuang Ruyi’s brother-in-law."
The waves said, "Do you mean that Zhuang Ruyi is the uncle of Blue Moon and Tan Zhongyi is the uncle of Blue Moon?"
Sister Li laughed. "Uh-huh!"
The waves frowned and said, "It’s really complicated. These two people are relatives of Lan Zong. If I find it difficult, I think it’s really bad to treat them badly. If they hurt them, they can also eat yabakui and can’t complain to Lan Zong."
Sister Li said, "They dare not touch you if you want to find a helper to join hands. If you act arbitrarily, you will not only offend both of them, but also be afraid that others will not help you."
The waves said, "Who is the other person?"
Li Jie said, "I know that you used to be Chen Ping, the hand of Baihutang. Chen Ping will definitely unite with you, but do you know that Chen Ping can’t protect you?" Chen Pinglai is just a small third-in-command of the White Tiger Hall. The fact that the original hall owner Huangpu Sheng was killed has aroused many people’s dissatisfaction. Chen Ping is not qualified to be the hall owner. Chen Ping is still a talented person. Chen Ping is only sitting in this position, but it is not certain whether he can sit still and how long he can sit! "
The waves said, "well, the way told me once that someone didn’t sit in this hall, but he didn’t say who didn’t."
Li Jie smiled and said, "Who else can it be? Of course, Tan Zhongyi and Zhuang got their wish. Do you think Zhuang got his wish? Is it blue or a deputy hall master? He didn’t become a full member. Chen Ping jumped from a three-level position to the main hall position. Can Zhuang get angry?"
The waves said, "what can Zhuang do if he doesn’t get angry?" Lan Zong’s eyes are sharp, and Chen Ping’s ability far exceeds Zhuang’s wish. If you don’t Chen Ping’s wish, Zhuang Zi will say that Lan Zong is not an eye-catching hero, but how can you develop your own career? I see that manager Lan’s own cousin is just a deputy cousin. What does this say? This should mean that manager Lan not only values family ties, but also values strength. Relatives have no ability to be a deputy. Outsiders must have the ability to achieve a high position. "
Li Jie said, "Your analysis is very good, and it’s also very accurate that Blue’s younger brother and Blue’s nephew have no real collar, but Tan Zhongyi crawled by the real collar. I heard that when Blue made his fortune in the countryside, he mobilized all his family members, relatives and friends to form the Star Star to help the only one of his relatives to have this Tan Zhongyi …" Li Jie smiled here and said, "There is nothing to lead Tan Zhongyi, who is cunning and treacherous than others. To put it bluntly, it is difficult to see honor.
The waves also laughed. "have it both ways’s pat on the back is also an ability that can’t be underestimated."
Li Jie said, "Yes, Tan Zhongyi can’t be underestimated! He is such a person who naturally likes to gang up and send Zhuang as he wishes. If he recommends to add Zhuang as he wishes, he will also get a little collar. If he wishes, his little brother Lan will show the show and let Zhuang be a deputy hall master, but keep the main position of the main hall for you to sit. Do you think Tan Zhongyi and Zhuang are willing to do so? "
The waves laughed. "What if you don’t want to? Find someone to kill me? "
Li Jie smiled and said, "I won’t kill you, and they are afraid that Manager Lan will see it, but if I give you a set to jump by yourself, then I will put all the blame on you, so that you can’t tell the difference. Once, twice, twice, three times, Manager Lan will lose faith in you. Don’t you want to be a good horse in this hall?"
The wave hand touched his nose and smiled and said, "Then show me the way, good sister. What should I do?"
Sister Li said with a charming smile, "My good brother, if you don’t take your time, you must have a well-thought-out plan. How can you come to me and tell me what good ideas a weak woman can have?"
The waves said, "Don’t worry, it’s true that you have answers, but it’s not necessary. I’m a bad person. If I get angry, I’ll kill him. There’s nothing to worry about, but I really don’t have answers. Please ask my sister to show me the way!"
Li Jie laughed. "There is one road without a path, and I’m afraid you won’t dare to go."
The waves laughed. "There seems to be nothing I dare not do in this world!"
Li Jie looked at the waves and said slowly, "I can help you deal with Tan Zhongyi and Zhuang as you wish, but you have to do me a favor."
The waves said, "Of course, if you can help me, I will certainly help you, but one thing is best to deal with Tan Zhongyi and Zhuang, but you can’t kill them. After all, they are relatives of Lan. If you are exposed, my life will be lost."
Li Jie laughed. "I know this. I also want to die! It is possible to compete for the situation, but you can’t play with real fire. "
The waves said, "How can you help me?"
Sister Li said, "Do you know who is the most powerful in your Star Gang except General Lan?"
Of course, the waves know fairly well, but they pretend that they don’t know that "Blue Moon should be the star-studded master among the five hall lords. After all, she is the blue general’s own daughter"
Sister Li said, "Of course, the blue moon is strong, but it is still not comparable to one person. Guess who it is?"
The waves deliberately hesitated for a moment before saying, "Liu Fengshou, the owner of Qinglong Hall?" The waves had already received a tip-off and had a general understanding of the Star Gang. Of course, he knew that Liu Fengshou was the second person in the Star Gang. He deliberately guessed that he didn’t want Li Jie to see that he already knew a lot about the Star Gang. He should show his cleverness when he was clever, but he should pretend to be slow when he was clever.
Li Jie laughed. "You’re a genius. You’re right at a guess. It’s Liu! Lao Liu is the brother of Lan Zong, who grew up together with Lan Zong, cultivated land, and organized the Star Club. He is the most valued and trusted person of Lan Zong, and also the most powerful person except Lan Zong. Blue Moon also respects him for three points. The Star Club is led by Lan Zong himself, and then he was handed over to his daughter to take care of it. Liu is the biggest among the five star halls, although he is just a dragon. The real strength of the Lord is greater than that of the other three hall lords combined. "
The waves did Sarah laugh until Li Jie deliberately kept his appetite waiting for him to ask her questions. The waves said, "I won’t ask you who can hold back."
The waves are now vaguely guessing that Li Jie’s purpose in wooing him may be to join hands with him to deal with Ouyang. As soon as Miss Ouyang leaves, Li Jie can be in charge of the Red Chamber by herself. If so, she will benefit more from it, but Ouyang is too popular with Lan Zong, and Li Jie can’t be forced, let alone forced. Even if Lan Zong knows that she has a little unfavorable idea about Ouyang, Li Jie can pack up and go home. Li Jie will have to do some small kinetic energy and be very secret, otherwise it will be Li Jie who will suffer.
Li Jie was busy with the waves alone for a while. Seeing the waves really just hold your horses. Instead of caring who was behind his back, she opened her eyes and enjoyed it. Seeing his face was very comfortable.
Li Jienai said, "You really don’t care about your business?"
The waves laughed. "But I’m not worried. I’ve always been killed by a Buddha and killed by a god. Who’s in my way? Who’s dying? I’m playing tricks behind my back. Hey, hey, I want him to survive. I can’t beg for death!"
This sentence of the waves is an understatement, but it has a cold and gloomy atmosphere that makes Li Jie feel cold.
Li Jie barely smiled and said, "You told me that you didn’t want to tell Tan Zhongyi and Zhuang as you wish to see if they would be afraid of you."
The waves said, "I won’t be surprised if Zhuang wishes to deal with me, but Tan Zhongyi is already the owner of the hall. My Xuanwu Hall and his Suzaku Hall rule out the river. Why should he come to me?"
Sister Li said, "Do you know what Tan Zhongyi and Zhuang’s wish are?"
The waves frowned slightly and said, "I don’t know about this. Tell me about it."
Li Jie said, "It was Tan Zhongyi’s little uncle Zhuang’s wish to be your deputy hall master of Xuanwu Hall, and it was Tan Zhongyi’s single-handedly recommendation that General Lan reluctantly agreed."
The waves said, "I don’t think that Zhuang Yuan is a strong man. If he doesn’t have something to do, Tan Zhongyi will never let him be the deputy hall master."
Sister Li smiled and said, "The secret is at this moment. Do you know what Lan Zong and Zhuang Yuan wish?"
The waves really don’t know what to say, "I don’t know what to say."
Li Jie forced the waves to stir up a few times before it slowed down. "Zhuang Ruyi is also the blue general brother-in-law Tan Zhongyi and Lan always have a brother-in-law. Both of them are Zhuang Ruyi’s brother-in-law."
The waves said, "Do you mean that Zhuang Ruyi is the uncle of Blue Moon and Tan Zhongyi is the uncle of Blue Moon?"